Tuition Assistance

How do you access tuition assistance as a veteran? Let us answer your questions and make sure you're receiving the assistance you need!

Prior to enrollment, service members should speak with the Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their Military Service. Then, follow these steps to use tuition assistance:

1. If you have tuition assistance, the approved authorization form from your unit needs to be submitted to the Cashiers Office.

Cashiers Office
Administrative Center, room 112
5115 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64112

  • If you have any questions about how to establish tuition assistance, contact your unit for specific information.
  • If your unit requires a statement of your tuition and fees, you can request a Paid Fees Letter from the Cashiers Office. Send the request from your UMKC email to
    • To generate your own letter you can log into Pathway. On the menu, click Self-Service > Campus Finances > Paid Fees Letter. From there you can select the desired term. Contact the Cashiers Office with any questions.

2. Submit an Enrollment Certification Form (PDF) signed by your academic advisor to the School Certifying Official by using the Secure Document Upload feature on your Pathway account. You will need to submit the Enrollment Certification Form each semester that you would like to use tuition assistance. Completion of this form is required for UMKC to comply with the data submissions required by the Department of Defense MOU.

Questions about tuition assistance application requirements can be directed to the Missouri State Tuition Assistance Office:

Army Guard Contact:

  • State Tuition Assistance office: (573) 638-9500 ext. 37689 or 37023
  • Federal Tuition Assistance office: (573) 638-9500 ext. 37053

Air Guard Contact:

  • State Tuition Assistance: (573) 638-9633